Ever feel like you’re not good enough?

I have, but maybe I’m past it now.

My last (or is it just the most recent?) grapple with self-worth centered around a job application. I was a mess. Angry. Defensive. But it was unfounded. I suppose it’s because of an earlier experience. There was this job that I wanted. And I think I was a good fit. But they turned me away without an in-person interview, and I felt mad because I felt like I’d done well in the preliminaries. I was probably also a little frustrated because I felt trapped in the job I had at the time. I had attached some pretty significant meanings to the outcome of that job application, but really I was just drawing wild conclusions.

But what about you? Do you ever feel like you’re not good enough? Why? Is there evidence that could prove it?

Maybe Cognitive Behavioral Therapy could help you. It’s supposed to help with wrongthink - the incorrect and unfounded stories that we tell ourselves. Stories that can easily be controverted by objective facts.

In my experience the truth is powerful. Especially the truth about yourself.

Question your assumptions. Examine your interpretations. Evaluate the facts. It’s possible you should feel better about yourself than you do.